First redistricting lawsuits filed by Democratic group

Reid Wilson, The Hill

“A prominent Democratic organization run by former Attorney General Eric Holder waited just hours after the Census Bureau released new apportionment figures to file the first lawsuits of this decade’s redistricting process, a preview of what is all but certain to be the most litigated remap in American history.”

“Republicans dismissed the suits as little more than publicity-seeking markers. Current redistricting law already gives the courts authority to draw new political boundaries in the case of an impasse between the legislative and executive branches, or within the legislature. ‘They’re intentionally doing this just to raise a flag,’ said Adam Kincaid, executive director of the National Republican Redistricting Trust, the principle GOP group dedicated to coordinating redistricting efforts. ‘They’re expensive press releases.'”

“The lawsuits are just the first wave of what is likely to be a bipartisan rush to the courthouse.”

Read the full article on The Hill.


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